Navigating Life’s Journey

To start on an adventure without an idea of where you’re going, may not have a good ending.  Just drifting along is fine for a while, but who knows where you’ll end up.  It may be someplace you don’t want to go!  We need to know where we want to end up.  We need to start with the end in mind.

People have a tendency to spend more time planning a vacation than thinking about a plan and direction for their lives?  Why not take some time to think about what you want to accomplish in your life and the person you would like to be?  Take some time to think it through and answer some questions.

  • What is your purpose/mission in life?
  • What are your priorities?
  • What values are important to you?
  • What character qualities do you want to possess?
  • What are your roles and responsibilities?
  • What kind of person do you want to be?  What is your vision for your life?
  • How do you want to be remembered?

Don’t rush through this process.  Take as much time as you need and really articulate your thoughts and ideas.  (This process took me months!)  Write them down.  Revisit your lists often.  Use these personal guiding principles to help you “Keep Growing” and “Keep Going” through the ups and downs of living your best life.

If you know the person you want to be, then you can make choices that will help you become that person.  If your objective is to be physically healthy, then you would choose healthy food, good sleeping habits, and regular exercise.  If you want to deepen a relationship with a friend or family member you would spend more quality time with them.  Making the right choices involves knowing the results you want to achieve.

Each person is unique.  Your thoughts and ideas will most likely be different from mine or someone else’s, and that’s a good thing.  We all have different visions for ourselves and our lives.  What is important is to have a clear view of who we are and who we want to be.  Then we can make choices in our lives to help us flourish!

2 thoughts on “Navigating Life’s Journey”

  1. This is awesome Kathy I love it !!!!!! So very helpful and really soulful ❤️ So excited for your next post !!!!

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